Cholesterol as a pharmaceutical conspiracy
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

Aydın says the fact that cholesterol is shown as an enemy is a conspiracy of the pharmaceutical companies.
Author of “The Stone Age Diet,” Professor Ahmet Aydın, who chairs the Metabolism and Nutrition Department of Pediatrics Branch at Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa School of Medicine, told Habertürk that there were several studies showing that patients with below the average cholesterol levels caught several other diseases more easily.Aydın’s diet is among the medical studies to which Karatay frequently refers in her own book. Aydın says the fact that cholesterol is shown as an enemy is a conspiracy of the pharmaceutical companies. “They are making a huge profit out of this. But what is actually a great threat to human health is the statins used for cholesterol control, chiefly because they destroy a structural unit that functions like a power plant in your body. That is why those on cholesterol medication frequently complain about fatigue,” he says.
This debate is far from being settled in the near future, as other experts have similar claims against anti-carbohydrate diets like the Karatay Diet, due to what she proposes for insulin control.