Arrested deputies might be freed: Government official

Arrested deputies might be freed: Government official

ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News
Ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputy leader Mehmet Ali Şahin said if the 48 articles agreed by all parties were approved by Parliament it would facilitate the release of the arrested deputies.

Şahin called on the opposition parties to vote for the 48 articles agreed by the Constitution Conciliation Commission in the Parliament, during a televised interview with the private news channel NTV. Şahin said they had agreed to remove Article 14 from the package and added that with this removal the arrested deputies could be released based on Article 83.

According to Article 83 deputies cannot be prosecuted or arrested without a decision by Parliament. However, Article 14 provides an exception to that for crimes violating the unity of the state and the nation, Şahin said.