18 suspects arrested in Istanbul for fake prescription scheme

Authorities have arrested 18 suspects, including three doctors and pharmacists in Istanbul, responsible for a staggering 5 million Turkish Liras ($160,700) worth of public loss to the Social Security Institution (SGK) wtih the issuance of counterfeit prescriptions.
The report prepared by the chief inspector of the SGK within the scope of the investigation of the incident determined that a significant amount of public loss was caused to the SGK by doctors and pharmacists working at Beylikdüzü State Hospital who prescribed medicine of high financial value without any medical analysis.
Camera recordings revealed that the former pharmacy technician went to the doctor's secretary and repeatedly issued false prescriptions with a list of patients' Turkish ID numbers.
While some of those who had fake prescriptions issued in their names stated that they were unaware of the situation, bank account transactions were detected between some of the so-called patients who knew that false prescriptions were written in their name and the issuing doctors.
Furthermore, the serial numbers of the illegal drugs previously seized by authorities throughout Istanbul and the drugs prescribed at the hospital also proved to be a match.
Upon these findings, the prosecutor's office issued a detention warrant for 40 suspects who were referred to a courthouse. At the trial, the judge ruled to arrest 18 suspects, including three doctors and pharmacists, while 21 suspects were released on judicial control conditions.