What is BDP's formula for permanent peace?

What is BDP's formula for permanent peace?

ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News

Following the re-entry of the Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) into Parliament, a commission was set up for the new constitution, and the language of politics began to predominate. Some BDP members are also confused that the PKK launched one of the biggest attacks in its history during this process. Despite the existence of differing opinions within the BDP, they do have a “formula for peace.” BDP co-leader Selahattin Demirtaş and his aides have requested an examination of the experiences of countries that underwent such periods of conflict and to produce a method unique to Turkey by studying how these countries reached a solution. They argue that warring parties could unlock the path toward peace by pointing to examples such the Israeli-Palestinian talks in the Middle East, and the ETA experience in Spain.