Türkiye leads Europe in number of university students: Report

Türkiye leads Europe in number of university students: Report

Türkiye leads Europe in number of university students: Report

With 8.5 million students enrolled in higher education, Türkiye boasts the most university students in Europe, according to a 2024 report from a European higher education association.

Offering both qualitative and statistical data, the European Higher Education Area’s (EHEA) Bologna Process Implementation report covers every major facet of higher education changes aimed at a functional European higher education area.

As per the prestigious report, Türkiye is among the European nations with advanced coordination systems or procedures capable of offering diversity, inclusivity and equality in higher education.

Türkiye also emerged as one of the nations featuring the youngest academic personnel, with the number of academic employees in the country experiencing a 15.1 percent surge, the report pointed out.

Additionally, Türkiye's percentage of female academic staff also grew close to the EHEA norm.

The country achieved full scores in nine of the 18 indicators and passing grades in the remaining ones in the report, said Erol Özvar, the head of Türkiye’s Council of Higher Education (YÖK).

Noting that the country marked significant improvements and that they are thrilled with the recent achievements of the country’s higher education, Özvar unveiled their objective of significantly boosting Türkiye's performance even further with necessary steps.