Turkish company to compete in Budapest
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

Through video mapping, artists create animations, movies or digital projections tailored to the spaces’ architectural elements. Company photo
As Turkey’s art scene continues to grow a new cast of multidisciplinary artists have stepped into the spotlight, merging science, digital technology and visual art in an art genre unique to the 21st century: video mapping.Turkish new media digital design company Ouchhh is traveling to Budapest Oct. 6 to compete in the third annual Paint Up! Building Projection Mapping Competition. Out of the 12 selected finalists Ouchhh is the only team chosen from Turkey chosen and will face competitors from Hungary, Italy and the United Arab Emirates in the competition organized by a Hungarian company specializing in visual technology services.
The Paint Up! competition celebrates video mapping, sometimes referred to as architectural projection, a little-known art form of the 21st century that aims to create an audio-visual narrative in or on a public space. Through video mapping artists create animations, movies or digital projections tailored to the spaces architectural elements. Entries from each of the 12 finalists will be projected onto the contemporary art museum, Mücsarnok (Palace of Art), in Heroes’ Square in Budapest on Oct. 6.
The Ouchhh team designed their entry “Lateral Inhibition” pulling inspiration from György Kepes’ light art. “He was a strong proponent for unifying art, science and technology with respect to visual patterns,” Ferdi Alıcı, creative director at Ouchhh, said of Kepes. Alıcı worked with Yusuf Emre Kucur, H. Kerem Köse, Çaglar Özen, Emre Önol, Dilan Regal Tanrıkulu, Bahadır Dagdelen and Selçuk Can Güven on the project.
A jury of visual art experts will judge the entrants in Budapest and award prizes and trophies to the top three entries following the screening.