Pink Martini once again on stage in Istanbul

Within the scope of their European tour, Pink Martini will once again be in Türkiye for a concert.
The band has a great number of fans in Türkiye, where they are well known for the albums “Sympathique,” “Hang on Little Tomato,” “Hey Eugene!” “Splendor in the Grass,” “Joy to the World,” “1969,” “A Retrospective,” “Get Happy” and “Dream A Little Dream.”
Representing itself as music archaeologists who bring together different melodies and rhythms from various parts of the world and present them in a modern form, Pink Martini’s songs have so far been used in many films from “The West Wing” to “Desperate Housewives.”
A surprise for Turkish fans; the band performs the famous classical Turkish song “Aşkım Bahardı” in the new album. Organized by Pasion Turca, the concert will take place on July 26 at Harbiye Cemil Topuzlu Açıkhava Tiyatrosu.
Speaking to Pasion Turca, Pink Martini members answered questions.
The world is going through a very difficult time. You are a group that does not hesitate to be political. What do you think the healing of the world depends on?
I think we should lose our screens, our computers, our phones, and hold on to our humanity. Be with people. Be with our friends and families. Learn how to disagree without leaving the conversation and canceling each other out.
You also gave digital concerts during the pandemic. How did you decide on this project? Are the digital concerts enough to reflect the energy of Pink Martini?
I hope the digital will never be able to replicate or replace the actual experience of a concert. Pink martini is an iconic group. Would you like to tell the story of the group with a documentary or movie? Who knows? I like the story of Pink Martini. There has never been a deliberate plan. It has just been a series of following one moment to the next.
Don’t you think the new songs are able to become classics? What are the songs you never get tired of singing on stage up to now?
I love all the songs we perform. If we didn’t love them, we wouldn’t perform them! From Amado Mio to Je Ne Veux Pas Travailler to Aşkım Bahardı to Hey Eugene… We never grow tired of these songs.
China and Storm will be on stage at Istanbul concert. What would you say about the synergy that emerged when China and Storm were together on stage?
It’s so rare that both China and Storm are on stage together. But it feels right to bring both of them- as well as Jimmie Herrod and Edna Vazquez - to this summer tour of Stuttgart, Munich, Monte Carlo, Budapest, Tel Aviv, Madrid, Perelada, Ares, Athens and Istanbul.
You have been making music together for many years. What is the most important thing that you would recommend to amateur musicians who make music in a group?
Work with musicians who are better than you. Find the people who inspire you. Don’t expect to become rich or famous. Entertain yourself. Be generous. Share the spotlight. Honor those who have come before you. Work, collaborate with and learn from those people whenever possible. Be kind and gracious and grateful to the people behind the scenes. Don’t take anything too seriously.
If I say define Pink Martini in three words, what would those three words be?
Dazzling, ecstatic and love.
How did you decide to release an EP with Edna Vazquez and Jimmie Herrod? What would you say about both projects?
We wanted to officially introduce them to Pink Martini fans.