Number of investors in Borsa Istanbul tops 3 million

The number of investors in Türkiye’s stock exchange, Borsa Istanbul, has surpassed 3 million as of Nov. 15, according to the Central Securities Depository (MKM).
This figure was 2.4 million at the end of 2021 but increased to 2.5 million in April this year. After declining slightly in the following month, the number of investors in Borsa Istanbul climbed above 2.6 million at the end of August. The increase gathered further momentum in the following months.
The gain was a strong 11 percent on a monthly basis in November as more than 307,000 new investors joined the stock exchange.
The number of investors grew nearly 29 percent, or more than 680,000, since the start of the year, data from MKM showed.
The market value of the 3.07 million investors’ portfolio was 5.19 trillion Turkish Liras, up from 2.1 trillion liras at the end of 2021 and 2.73 trillion liras at the end of July, where there were 2.5 million investors in Borsa Istanbul.
The investor risk appetite index increased by 4.24 percent from the previous week to 67 as of Nov. 11, data showed.
The increase in the index value is 38.47 percent from a year ago.
The risk appetite index for domestic investors advanced 3.96 percent to 73, while the index for foreign investors rose by 5.17 percent week-on-week to 66.
The annual increases in the indices for domestic and international investors were 34.8 percent and 42.39 percent, respectively.