MİT adopts hybrid measures against new threats
Serkan Demirtaş- ANKARA

At a moment when the international system is becoming highly uncertain and unstable due to the pains stemming from the transition period towards a multipolar world, the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MİT) is adopting new measures and methods to address asymmetric and hybrid threats specific to this period, says the agency head.
On the 97th anniversary, İbrahim Kalın hosted a group of reporters, academics and government officials at a special program held at MİT's compound, dubbed Kale (Castle in English) on Jan. 10 with the participation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
The program included the opening of a museum, the announcement of the inauguration of the intelligence academy, and a new website for the MİT. Apart from his address to the audience, Kalın shared his views about the current state of global affairs and the role MİT will play in the coming period in a booklet titled “Hybrid Threats and Strategic Foresight in the Age of Uncertainty.”
“We live in an age of great uncertainty,” says Kalın at the very beginning of the booklet, underlining that the world system is evolving through a multipolar world and this generates instability and insecurity accompanied by hybrid threats and wars of attrition.
“The current international system is not resolving this uncertainty and instability, but deepening them,” Kalın stressed. “As the MİT, we are acting with a strategic foresight that pays attention to the risks and opportunities stemming from this period of transition. We are aiming to build an intelligence and security perspective required by a multipolar world,” he stated.
The fight against multiple terror organizations, including the PKK, FETÖ and ISIL, with a strategic mind is always a priority of the intelligence agency and the ultimate goal is to create a terror-free region, Kalın underlined.
According to Kalın, the United States and Europe will continue to be the center of gravity of the international system but they will constantly be challenged by Russia, as seen in the ongoing war with Ukraine and China. The intelligence chief predicts that a multipolar world, at the end of the day, will emerge as a result of the creation of a new security architecture.
“I should underline that this process will not be an easy one,” Kalın said, warning that the already broken global order will be more fragile and dangerous.
Hybrid measures against hybrid threats
Another important characteristic of this period is the rise of hybrid threats, the MİT chief has underlined. “Hybrid threats require hybrid solutions. Intelligence organizations will play more crucial roles and produce new struggle methods,” he suggested. “As the MİT, we are constantly developing new capabilities to prepare ourselves for the era of global uncertainties and hybrid threats.”
Kalın underlined that self-sufficiency and deterrence will be two top concepts that Türkiye will continue to pursue to address all these challenges in the coming period. “Without these two elements, it is impossible for a country to follow independent policies and secure its sovereignty,” he said.
He reiterated that the MİT will continue to exert efforts to prepare Türkiye to address all these new threats by focusing on strategic intelligence along with tactical and operational processes. “It is of vital importance for our organization to adopt a self-sufficient, preemptive and proactive stance and reach a capacity to lead the short and long-term developments,” he added.