Misogyny definition updated in Australia

Misogyny definition updated in Australia

CANBERRA - Reuters
A fiery speech against sexism by Australia’s first woman prime minister has prompted the textbook of Australian English to broaden the definition of “misogyny” to better fit the heated political debate.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard last week used a parliamentary debate to launch a strong attack against conservative Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, accusing him of being a misogynist, and her speech has since become an Internet hit.

In response, Australia’s Macquarie Dictionary, the authority on the English language in Australia, has decided to broaden the definition of “misogyny” to better match the way the word has been used over the past 30 years.

The dictionary currently defines misogyny as “hatred of women,” but will now add a second definition to include “entrenched prejudice against women,” suggesting Abbott discriminated against women with his sexist views.