Ministers convey six-month action plans to cabinet ahead of Turkey’s 2019 elections

“Our ministries have conveyed the general framework of their 180-day action plan and the government will work on a joint action plan soon,” government spokesperson Numan Kurtulmuş said after the cabinet meeting on July 3.
The preparation of the roadmaps commenced after President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan asked all ministers to convey a future action plan following the disappointing campaign in the April constitutional referendum, which resulted in a narrow win for the government side.
“All the ministries have to convey a roadmap that will include what they will do until the end of the year. This roadmap will not just be for next six months, it will include a roadmap until 2019,” Erdoğan said on May 24.
As the system change stipulated by the constitutional amendment will be in effect after 2019 elections, the ministers completed their 180-day action plan and conveyed it to the cabinet.
Kurtulmuş said the government will work on the minister’s action plans and will determine the AKP government’s 2019 election campaigning strategy accordingly.