Minister Bozdağ calls for renewal of UN mission
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

A multidimensional strategy can produce lasting solutions in Somalia, says Bozdağ. AA photo
Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ yesterday urged the United Nations to establish a new mission in Somalia.“The time has come to bring a new and stronger United Nations mission in Somalia. As a first step, the U.N. can immediately initiate a review,” Bozdağ told the audience at the second Istanbul Conference on Somalia.
A comprehensive strategy is needed to help Somalia increase its capacity for resilience, including multisector investments in development, infrastructure projects, political reconciliation and boosted security, Bozdağ said.
“Turkey’s policy toward Somalia incorporates these dimensions, and it argues for a simultaneous handling and solution of all problematic aspects. Only such a multidimensional strategy can produce lasting solutions in Somalia,” Bozdağ said. “All of the members of the international community have an obligation to keep the light of hope, which has been kindled for the first time in 20 years, alive in Somalia.”