Mersin opera stage opens with blockbuster Turkish operetta
MERSİN - Anadolu Agency

Lüküs Hayat operetta has been staged as a blockbuster for many years on Turkey’s different opera stages. AA photo
Mersin has welcomed a big-name opera to start its season on stage, with Cemal Reşit Rey’s “Lüküs Hayat” (Luxurious Life) going before audiences in the southern province.The work has been on stage for 28 years, although this is the first time the opera has gone on a Mersin stage. The work debuted in Mersin on Oct. 1, while an encore will be held tonight.
The operetta, which lasts for 2.5 hours, attracted a large number of viewers. At the end of the play, legendary director Haldun Dormen took the stage and said it took six consecutive weeks to prepare the operetta.
MDOB Director and Art Director Erdoğan Şanal said the MDOB was celebrating its 20th year, prompting organizers to plan new premieres and plays.
“We opened the season with the ‘Lüküs Hayat’ Operetta. The director of the operetta is Haldun Dormen. ‘Lüküs Hayat’ has been staged as a blockbuster for many years and now it is meeting with a Mersin audience,” he said, adding that they predicted the province’s public would appreciate the play.
Opera and ballet officials are also supporting the touring of the operetta to other cities of Turkey, he said, adding that they would like to thank art lovers for the interest they have shown in the operetta.
Anatolia tour
The operetta will be traveling to different Turkish cities this year, such as Adana, Kahramanmaraş, Osmaniye, Gaziantep and Eskişehir.
Şanal also specially thanked Ayşe Kökçü, the female lead of the play, on stage after the premiere.
After Kökçü, Atacan Arseven, male lead Zihni Göktay and Gencay Gürün came onto the stage to share their memoirs and souvenirs about their careers.
Göktay said the actors and actresses had staged a perfect show. “We have left the stage to young actors and actresses. They are reflecting Cemal Reşit Rey’s work perfectly,” he said, adding that he enjoyed the operetta a lot.
Gürün, who left an indelible mark on the opera and theater world by becoming the first female art director 28 years ago, also said she enjoyed the show while noting her support for young people on the stage.
“The costumes, light, design – in short, everything – were flawless. ‘Lüküs Hayat’ is a classic for Turkish theater,” she said, adding that she always enjoyed watching it as well as playing in it.
Gürün also said the show had a special place for her because it was being directed by Dormen.
Kökçü said the work had been directed in the best way. “I have not played in this operetta for 11 years. The music has changed, becoming perfect.”
Noting that the design and the music had somewhat changed, Kökçü said she greatly enjoyed the present version.
The decor design was made by Seyhan Atamer, the costume design was undertaken by Nursun Ünlü, the light design was done by Tarı Deniz, while the choreography was overseen by Serbülent Biçer.