Maintenance fees of residential complexes soaring in Türkiye

The maintenance fees of residential complexes, which have reached exorbitant prices, have compelled the residents to move to different districts and the apartments at independent buildings.
With the new year’s price hikes, residents in apartment complexes faced the increased maintenance fees which tripled. The problem of fees is one of the factors shaping the relocation graph, along with high rent increases over the past two years.
Those who live in more central regions of the cities or in newly built apartments have begun to prefer older complexes or independent apartments on the periphery of the cities.
Sector experts noted that charges that almost reach the level of rents also bring radical changes in housing preferences.
As a result of these developments, some residents of the complexes made collective statements against the increase in the fees and lawsuits were filed.
The Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change Ministry also pointed out that with a unit established in the ministry, an important step was taken to eliminate fee problems.
In the last few years, in addition to high rents, the maintenance fees of residential complexes have created grave problems, stated Sühran Aras, the vice president of the Real Estate Services Professional Committee of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO), also a luxury housing expert.
Stating that they face hikes of fees far above 100 percent, Aras said that the rising fee in the downtown areas push people to move outside the city.
“In Istanbul, people usually go to the Kartal, Pendik and Sancaktepe districts. Even in these districts, maintenance fees have risen a lot. They are not affordable anymore,” Aras expressed.
On the other hand, experts underline that people should be aware of their legal rights regarding management of apartment complexes and maintenance fees.
The board of floor owners on the complexes convenes at the times indicated in the management plan.
Annual increases in maintenance fees are also brought to the agenda and decided at these meeting. It is important to attend these meetings and vote in order to avoid facing surprise price hikes. Those who cannot attend the meeting can also appoint a proxy.
Accordingly, the conflict of the fees between the management of complexes and residents is a legal issue rather than a “consumption problem,” stated Aziz Koçal, head of the Consumers’ Associations Federation.
Koçal stressed that it is necessary to check whether the management gains an unearned income or unfair advantage through the fees of the services they provide and the companies that carry out the services.
“There is a need for strict control on the revenue and expenditure side. In order to prevent grievances, it is necessary to take this system under control. This trust must be established through independent audits,” Koçal explained.