Istanbul Modern hosting Dutch exhibition

Istanbul Modern hosting Dutch exhibition

Istanbul Modern hosting Dutch exhibition

Within the framework of the celebrations of 400 years of diplomatic relations between the Netherlands and Turkey, Istanbul Modern is hosting the exhibition “La La La Human Steps

Within the framework of the celebrations of 400 years of diplomatic relations between the Netherlands and Turkey, Istanbul Modern is hosting the exhibition “La La La Human Steps: A Selection from the Collection of Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen.” To be held between Feb. 16 and May 6 in Istanbul Modern’s Temporary Exhibition Hall, the show consists of a special selection gathered for Istanbul Modern by Sjarel Ex, Director of Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, from the museum’s collection of over 140,000 works. Bringing together old masters and prominent contemporary artists, the exhibition includes 53 works consisting of paintings, prints, photographs, videos and installations by 28 artists from various countries.