Health minister says easing restrictions for youth and elderly ‘needs time’

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca has said elderly people over the age of 65 and young people under 20 will have to “wait a little more” for restrictions to ease.
“My young friends, the curfew lifted tonight. Unfortunately, this does not include you 15-20-year-olds, adults over 65 or children under 14 for now. I ask you to be patient, to give us some more time,” he said on Twitter on May 26.
Recalling that the four-day curfew has been lifted all over the country, the minister said, “We longingly return to the life we have been away from for a long time. Returning to the days before the first case of coronavirus occurred in the world? This does not seem possible yet. We must be vigilant. We must continue to appreciate the value of our home.”
“The success [we have] achieved is the result of the ability of 83 million to conform. Our new lifestyle is one of a controlled social life, all together,” the minister noted.