Germans seek details on the ’real’ culprits
Hurriyet Daily News with wires

refid:11508204 ilişkili resim dosyası
Despite the Justice Ministry’s claim that it received no request, German prosecutors insist they have been waiting for a Turkish response for the past month and say if they do not receive any, they will conclude the case with what they have.The case involves the illegal channeling of donations collected from Turks living in Germany by the Lighthouse e.V. charity to certain businesses in Turkey. It is seen as the biggest corruption case involving a charity organization in German history. German authorities have already sentenced three Lighthouse e.V. employees to various sentences, but the German court that sentenced them said the "real culprits" were in Turkey. The Lighthouse trial began Sept. 1. The court sentenced three of the 18 suspects for misappropriating 12 million euros collected by the organization.