Energy efficiency in industry saves 2.8 billion Turkish Liras

Since 2009, 2.8 billion Turkish Liras ($79.4 million) have been saved and 594,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions have been prevented through energy efficiency practices in Türkiye’s industry sector.
According to the data of the Energy Efficiency Association, during this period, 665 projects were supported within the scope of Efficiency Enhancing Project (VAP) and approximately 535 million liras were granted.
Last year alone, 137 projects were granted around 80 million liras. Those grants supported investments to the tune of 318 million liras and led to savings of 542 million liras.
The purpose of those investments and programs implemented is to reduce energy consumption of enterprises, while incurring energy costs and creating a more competitive environment.
Investments in energy efficiency contribute to economic development, employment and improving the competitiveness of enterprises, while reducing dependence on imported energy, Ahmet Erdem, president of the association, told state-run Anadolu Agency.
The Industry and Technology Ministry also launched the Green Transformation Support for the investments of large-scale industrial enterprises that are compatible with the circular economy approach, protect natural resources, contribute to climate and sustainability goals and aim for resource-efficient and low-carbon production, Erdem said.
With the help of green transformation projects, Türkiye can increase energy efficiency by transitioning to sustainable production in industry and have a more environmentally friendly industrial structure, he added.