Bodyguards panic as Turkish president hits highway in Google driverless car
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

President Gül uploaded photos of his visit on his Twitter account.
Turkish President Abdullah Gül visited the Google headquarters in California, where he rode in the company's driverless car, he tweeted on his Twitter account.Gül visited Stanford University and the headquarters of Apple, Google, Facebook and Microsoft in an extended visit to California's Silicon Valley.
The president was greeted by one of Google's founders, Sergey Brin, and given a tour of the facilities. Gül met with Turkish engineers working for Google and posed for a picture with them, which the president shared on his Twitter account.
Brin later showed the president Google's driverless car, after which Brin, Gül and First Lady Hayrünnisa Gül took a ride in the car's back seat. "The car drove close to 80 miles per hour," Gül tweeted, "The security teams panicked when we entered the highway suddenly."
The Turkish president later visited the headquarters of Facebook and Microsoft where he met with Turkish engineers working for each company. "It made me proud to see our young people, who graduated from [the] world's top universities, working at these big technology companies," Gül tweeted.