Animals rescued from rubble under treatment

Cats and dogs pulled out from the rubble of thousands of buildings destroyed during the two massive earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş are receiving treatment in various places with the efforts of animal care and rescue teams.
While search, rescue and debris removal works continue in the quake-hit zones, a special team formed within the body of the Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality Wildlife Protection Department treats injured cats and dogs in animal shelters and rehabilitation centers.
Animals rescued from the rubble by the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) in Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Adıyaman, Gaziantep and the other quake-hit provinces are taken to the center under the control of veterinary doctors. After their emergency treatment, their wounds are dressed and the treatment process begins.
Stating that all lives are important to them, the head of the Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality’s Wildlife Protection Department, Celal Özsoyler, said: “The municipality has been working hard since the first day. We continue to work for stray cats and dogs. We have a strong team in the care and rehabilitation center and natural habitat. There are cats and dogs rescued from the rubble. They are still coming from the quake-hit zones. Unfortunately, the owners of some of them died. Their general condition was quite bad. They were severely thirsty. We improved their general condition by doing their treatment.”
Özsoyler said that they will find a new home after taking care of these animals and improving their health condition, but only one dog, which they named “Afet” (Disaster), won’t be put up for adoption.
“Our friends named the dog Afet, whose owners lost their life in Hatay. The rescued animals are brought from the whole region and their treatment continues. Then we will find them new owners. Only one dog, Afet, will not be adopted. Our veterinarians will take care of her here.”
On the other hand, he said that no animals were harmed in the city’s wildlife center during the earthquake.
100 animals in Bursa
While hundreds of animals lost their owners in 10 quake-hit provinces, nearly 100 of the injured animals are also taken to the veterinary clinics in the northwestern province of Bursa.
The cats and dogs that will be temporarily adopted after their treatment, will be returned to their owners if they are reached thanks to their chips.
The Animal Rights Federation (HAYTAP) Bursa representative Eme Demir said, “More than 100 of our furred friends were brought to Bursa. We are trying to reach the families of the chipped ones. Hospitals and private veterinary clinics in the province support us. As HAYTAP, we take care of these animals by helping them in our field tents at many points in the hit-quake zones.”
Demir stated that they are given to temporary homes until their owners are found, adding, “Most of them came with their clothes. We understand that they are not strays and had a home. We created a temporary adoption system, and we find them temporary homes. People sign a protocol to take them. When we find their families, they will be taken from their temporary homes and returned to their families. This is how the process goes. People are sensitive to these animals, and clinics open their doors for them.”