Ancient city to become a center for Christianity
KARABÜK - Anadolu Agency

Works have been continuing in the ancient city of Hadrianaupolis. When it is opened to tourism, officials believe that it will turn into a center of pilgrimige. AA photo
The ancient city of Hadrianaupolis, which is often described as the “Zeugma of the Black Sea region” because of the mosaics unearthed there, is expected to become a Christian pilgrimage center when its current works are completed, according to officials.The ancient city is located in the Black Sea province of Karabük.
Karabük Provincial Culture and Tourism Director İbrahim Şahin said a 12-person team, including experts from Germany and Austria, were working to examine the underground in the ancient city.
“German researchers working in this area have said that the Christian world will show an interest there. [So] when the works are completed, it will open to tourism, becoming a pilgrimage center. The church in the ancient city will be covered and the mosaics in it will be displayed, ” Şahin said.