AKP's stray dog bill 'has to include euthanasia clause'

The Justice and Development Party's (AKP) draft law concerning stray animals will include a euthanasia clause to ensure the protection of other animals, the ruling party's parliamentary leader has said.
The proposal, which includes euthanizing unadopted animals within 30 days, has been a prominent topic on the national agenda for an extended period.
"There has to be euthanization," Abdullah Güler said during a televised interview with private broadcaster CNN Türk on June 19.
Under the draft bill, dogs exhibiting aggression, forming packs, having anatomical deformities, or posing a rabies risk will be collected. Dogs assessed as harmless will be allowed to remain on the streets.
Collected dogs deemed capable of living in shelters will be segregated, while those not adopted within a month will face euthanasia.
"We have animals that are at risk of rabies, are diseased, cannot be adopted and have difficulty feeding. Therefore, you have to protect the health of other animals in the shelter," Güler explained.
The practice will be defined as "euthanasia" in the law, not "killing" or "putting to sleep," with the decision to euthanize being made by shelter veterinarians and public administrators, he informed.
The controversial bill is expected to be presented before the parliament goes into recess in July.
Recently, there has been an increase in the media coverage of dog attacks and traffic accidents caused by chases, some fatal.
Güler said the draft law was prepared following extensive consultations with individuals affected by such incidents.
"Streets are not safe areas for animals. There is cold, hunger, attacks and diseases, so our animals need to be taken to safe areas," he added.
According to the draft bill, dogs taken to shelters or left on the streets will undergo sterilization.
It also introduces new fines. Individuals who gather and abandon animals in other districts or forested areas will face fines of 50,000 Turkish Liras ($1,500) per animal.
Additionally, the existing fine of 5,000 liras for those who adopt and subsequently abandon animals, or engage in illegal breeding, will be increased to 50,000 liras.
Animal rights groups argue that euthanasia is inhumane and advocate for more resources to be directed toward improving sterilization programs and promoting responsible pet ownership.
AKP officials, meanwhile, cite similar practices in the U.K., Italy and Portugal as models for their proposal.