Spain pledges 1 bln euros in military aid to Kiev as Zelensky visits

Spain pledges 1 bln euros in military aid to Kiev as Zelensky visits

Spain pledges 1 bln euros in military aid to Kiev as Zelensky visits

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky landed in Spain Monday for talks with Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez with the pair due to ink a deal increasing Madrid's military aid to Kiev.

The deal "includes a commitment for one billion euros in military aid for 2024," Sanchez told a joint news conference

"It will allow Ukraine to boost its capabilities including its essential air defense systems to protect its civilians, cities and infrastructure which are still suffering indiscriminate attacks as seen this weekend in Kharkiv," he said, referring to a Russian strike on the northeastern city that killed at least 16 people.

As he touched down at Madrid's Barajas airport at 1000 GMT, Zelensky was met on the tarmac by King Felipe VI and then headed straight into the Spanish capital to meet Sanchez where the two leaders were to sign a security agreement.

The visit comes as Ukraine battles a Russian ground offensive in the northeastern Kharkiv region which began on May 10 in Moscow's biggest territorial advance in 18 months.

With the Russian assault now in its third year, Ukraine has been pleading for more weapons for its outgunned and outnumbered troops, notably seeking help to address its lack of air defense systems.

After their meeting, the two leaders were expected to hold a news conference, Sanchez's office said.

Zelensky was then expected at the Royal Palace for talks followed by "a lunch in his honour" hosted by King Felipe and Queen Letizia, a palace statement said.

Zelensky had been due to visit on May 17, but postponed his trip after Russian troops began a major assault on the Kharkiv region.

According to El Pais newspaper, Monday's deal would include 1.1 billion euros worth of military aid and include new Patriot missiles and Leopard tanks.

Zelensky has already signed bilateral security agreements with several countries including France, Germany and the U.K..

So far, Madrid has only provided limited military aid to Kiev.

According to the Kiel Institute — which tracks weapons pledged and delivered to Ukraine since the Russian invasion — Spain has so far committed 330 million euros in military aid, making it a small contributor on a European level.

By comparison, Berlin, Paris and Rome have committed 18.61 billion, 5.65 billion and 1.0 billion euros respectively, while London's contribution stands at 9.22 billion, the figures show.

In April, Spain pledged to send an unspecified number of Patriot air defense missile systems to Ukraine. It has also sent 10 Leopard tanks.

Although the Ukranian leader was in southern Spain for an EU summit in October, it was his first official visit to Spain since taking power in 2019.

Last week, Sanchez told parliament the two nations were also preparing to sign a bilateral cooperation agreement.

"As soon as the situation on the front allows, we will sign an agreement with Ukraine that will increase economic, social and institutional cooperation between our countries," he said.

Russia says captured two villages in eastern Ukraine

Russia said on Monday its forces had captured two more villages in eastern Ukraine — one in the Donetsk region, and another in the northeastern Kharkiv region.

In a daily briefing, the defense ministry said its troops had "liberated the village of Netailove in the Donetsk region" and "Ivanivka in the Kharkiv region", the latest in a string of Russian territorial gains over recent weeks.

Russia launched a major new ground assault on the northeastern Kharkiv region two weeks ago, though the latest claim of captured territory is in a part of the front line further east, where fighting has been raging for months.

Moscow is looking to press its advantage on the battlefield while long-awaited U.S. weapons are making their way to Ukrainian troops on the front lines.

Its advances in the Kharkiv region have been the most significant for 18 months, according to AFP calculations of territory captured by Russian troops.

Kiev has rushed reinforcements to the area and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has warned it could be the first wave of a Russian summer offensive.