Turkey lifts university entrance exam threshold

The Higher Education Institutions Exam (YKS) will no longer have a threshold starting from this year, according to a decision by Turkey’s Council of Higher Education (YÖK).
The decision concerns 2.5 million students preparing for university entrance exams. The placement score will be calculated by adding the secondary education success score to the exam score of candidates.
The threshold was set as 150 points for the Basic Proficiency Test (TYT) and 180 for the Field Qualification Tests (AYT) and Foreign Language Test (YDT). These points have been removed for choosing associate and undergraduate programs.
In the calculation of the TYT exam score, the requirement to have a raw score of 0.5 or more from the basic mathematics or Turkish test will continue.
A candidate’s TYT score must be calculated in order to be able to apply to higher education programs that accept students with a special talent exam. The relevant higher education institution will decide whether a base score requirement is needed for them, and if so, how many points can be applied to candidates with a minimum score.
The minimum rank requirement for choosing medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, law, architecture, engineering and teaching programs will continue to apply.