Three soldiers killed in ISIL attack on Turkish tank in Syria

Three soldiers killed in ISIL attack on Turkish tank in Syria

Three soldiers killed in ISIL attack on Turkish tank in Syria Three soldiers were killed and one was injured on Sept. 9 when Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants hit a Turkish tank in Syria, the Turkish Armed Forces have announced. 

The military said Turkish artillery units fired 41 shots at 15 ISIL targets, and four buildings belonging to the jihadist group were also destroyed.

The attack marks the seventh Turkish casualty so far in the Euphrates Shield operation, on the 17th day of the operation.

On Aug. 27, one soldier was killed and three were injured when the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) attacked Turkish tanks.

Four Turkish soldiers were injured on Aug. 30 when a rocket fired from the west of Syria’s Jarablus region hit a tank in northern Syria. 

Late on Sept. 6, three soldiers were killed and four others were wounded in another ISIL attack on two tanks.