Syrian man who threw shoes at Turkish PM is released

Syrian man who threw shoes at Turkish PM is released

Syrian man who threw shoes at Turkish PM is released

Hürriyet photo

The Syrian man who two years ago threw a pair of shoes at Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Spain was released from jail on Nov. 2 in the southern province of Sevilla, private television channel NTV has reported.

The 27-year-old man, identified as Hokman Joma, has been in prison for two years. The Court decided to release him early due to his good behavior in prison, and the fact that no one was injured in the event.

Joma threw a pair of shoes at Erdoğan on Feb. 22, 2010 in Sevilla, as the Turkish prime minister was leaving the local mayor's building where he was given an award by the NODO intercultural association.

He was accused of "attacking an international personality" by the Spanish authorities and was sentenced to three years in prison.