Shisha, barbecuing banned by sea in Erdemli
MERSİN – Demirören News Agency

The municipality in the southern province of Mersin’s Erdemli district has banned people from smoking shishas (water pipes) and doing barbecue in public spaces by the sea if such activities are considered disturbing for others.
The municipal police (“zabıta” in Turkish) has stepped up inspections along the coastline to determine if people’s recreational activities here are disturbing others — especially if the smoke is at distressing levels. The municipal police have then fined such disturbing activities.
The municipality has announced that they will continue to work regarding this issue with the district police, district health directorate and district directorate of agriculture and forestry.
The municipality also announced that the people who contribute to pollution by throwing cigarette stubs or the shells of sunflower seeds on the floor will be fined.
Mayor Mükerrem Tollu stressed that people should spend time in public areas without disturbing each other as such areas belonged to “the whole society.”
He said that the inspections were undertaken to make sure that the whole district lived in peace and security, adding that whoever goes against the society’s value judgments would face the necessary enforcements within the context of the law.