Salt Research launches online archive on Atatürk’s legacy

Salt Research has launched a digital archive titled “Atatürk in the Press: November 10 Archive,” dedicated to documenting modern Türkiye founder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, and is now available to the public at
The online collection presents around 1,000 historical documents, including press clippings, magazine excerpts and photographs from the time of Atatürk’s passing in 1938, reflecting the profound impact of his death on Turkish society.
The archive compiles content from such as Tan, Kurun, Akşam, Cumhuriyet, Ulus, Anadolu, Yeni Sabah, and Son Posta, as well as the magazines Yarım Ay, Ev, Karikatür, Yücel and Türk Tiyatrosu and local newspapers Ayvaz, Manisa and Kırklarili. These materials are complemented by photographs documenting Atatürk’s funeral procession from Istanbul to Ankara.
Recently added to the “City, Society and Economy Archive” at Salt Research, this collection commemorates the immense influence of Atatürk's legacy and his death’s impact on the nation.
Digitized from the collections of Ömer Bilgin and Sabri Sayarı, these documents also served as primary material for the 2023 publication “Türk Basınında Atatürk: Kasım 1938” (Atatürk in the Turkish Press: November 1938) by Nuri Çolakoğlu and Aytaç Demirci, a book marking the centenary of the Republic and the 85th anniversary of Atatürk’s passing.
Salt Research’s “City, Society and Economy Archive” now includes over two million documents covering a range of fields, including “Art,” “Architecture and Design” and “City, Society and Economy.”
The “City, Society and Economy Archive” provides a rich collection of materials documenting life in both the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Türkiye, offering valuable insights into education, social life and the built environment across centuries.