Ritz Carlton ready for New Year’s

At the hotel, New Year’s Eve will be celebrated in the newly openly Atelier Real Food restaurant and the fashionable night spot of the Bleu Lounge & Grill.
Dinner in Atelier Real Food is an epicurean five-course indulgence of foie gras, lobster, wine sorbet, beef tenderloin and a spectacular dessert buffet, while entertainment is by a live orchestra performing international favorites.
Meanwhile, in the Bleu Lounge & Grill, a menu of oysters, crispy cones of seafood, braised beef, pineapple carpaccio and chocolate Yule log is being served followed by the terrace bar tunes of DJ Moophy.
For those looking to spend a festive week or more, a classic five-course Christmas Eve Dinner at Atelier Real Food including classic traditional turkey with chestnuts and cranberry could be a suitably tempting excuse to arrive a few days early.