No Strep A cases confirmed in Türkiye so far: Expert

An expert from a top university’s Medical Faculty has informed that no cases of Strep A bacterial infection, which has claimed the lives of more than 10 children in Europe and the U.S., have been reported in Turkiye so far.
According to official sources, more than 10 children lost their lives in Europe and the U.S. due to the disease caused by the invasive Strep A bacteria, which causes sore throat and prolonged fever in children.
Providing information on the bacteria, Strep A is a kind of toxin-releasing species, stated Ayper Somer, an infectious diseases specialist from Istanbul University’s Medical Faculty.
Pointing out that there are no Strep A cases in Türkiye at the moment, Somer added that there is no cause for concern for now.
Stating that the bacteria is defined as a “flesh-eating bacteria,” Somer pointed out that the toxin secreted by Strep A can cause tissue destruction and relatively large wounds that take a long time to recover, muscle stiffness in various organs and shock.
The disease shows its effect with symptoms of high fever, sore throat, white spots on the tonsils, weakness and fatigue, she noted.
The most appropriate and fastest treatment is the use of antibiotics, Somer emphasized.