Mothers' sit-in against PKK continues

A video has been prepared by Turkey's Presidential Communications Directorate to depict a sit-in protest held by the mothers of children abducted by the terrorist organization PKK/YPG.
Starting with a Kurdish requiem, the video shows the historical and cultural sites of Diyarbakır and includes the views of mothers wishing to reunite with their children.
"Kurdish and Turkish mothers are speaking out against PKK/YPG’s decades of child recruitment when the international community is silent about this war crime,” Presidential Communications Director Fahrettin Altun said on his Twitter account, sharing the video.
The protest started on Sept. 3 in Diyarbakır after a mother, Fevziye Çetinkaya, said her 17-year-old son was forcibly recruited by the PKK.
Since then, the number of families in front of the building has been growing as families demand the return of their children, who, they claim, were deceived or kidnapped by PKK terrorists.
PKK is listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the United States and the EU.
Click here for the full version of the video.