Mobbing hotline flooded with 133,637 complaints

Mobbing hotline flooded with 133,637 complaints

Mobbing hotline flooded with 133,637 complaints

The Labor and Social Security Ministry has noted that 133,637 mobbing complaints were filed through the Working Life Communication Center hotline between March 2011 and November 2023, a striking statistic that reveals a pressing issue in Türkiye.

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Republican People’s Party (CHP) MP Gamze Akkuş İlgezdi, who requested information about the number of people who applied to the hotline from the ministry, said, "To understand the magnitude of this number, it is useful to say that this rate is 1.2 per hour, 29 per day, 870 per month and 10,585 per year. Our workers are being mobbed to the bone."

In order to combat mobbing in the workplace, the Working Life Communication Center hotline was created under the Prime Ministry Circular No. 2011/2 on the prevention of psychological harassment (Mobbing) in workplaces that was published in the Official Gazette dated March 19, 2011. Operations started in the same month.

The hotline receives complaint applications and provides psychological support by trained psychologists to the victims of mobbing.

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