Katara village shows Turkish artist’s work
ISTANBUL- Hürriyet Daily News

As a part of the exhibtion, Katara Village of Qatar will alsohost İrfan Önürmen as a part of the International Artist in Residency Program that has been developed and supported by Katara Art Studios
Qatar’s famous cultural village Katara, which often hosts operas, theatrical plays, musical performances and literature events, will host an exhibition comprised of works from the Turkish artist Irfan Önürmen, the Gulf Times has reported. Built by a Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, Emir of the State of Qatar, Katara hosts millions of tourists from all over the world. The village will now prepare to present Turkish art.The exhibition, titled Disorder, will showcase abstract artworks from Sept. 20 to Oct. 27 at Katara Gallery. Disorder will feature pieces created through multi-layered compositions of abstract forms and figures from mass media contents, Islamic ornamental art and symbols from daily life. It will be the first exhibition at Katara to feature a Turkish artist.
Based on contrasts — between black and white, symmetric and asymmetric — the exhibition explores the themes of order and chaos. Önürmen’s approach to the geometric abstract ornamental art of the East will come to life in his first solo exhibition, the Gulf Times reported.
Önürmen will be the first artist of the International Artist in Residency Program that has been developed and supported by Katara Art Studios. The program serves as an educational platform where an exchange of knowledge is promoted and encouraged between the International Artists in Residence, guest artists and Qatari artists.
“We are pleased to host the first Turkish exhibition by Önürmen, which explores different themes through unique art forms. This exhibition further demonstrates Katara’s commitment to cultivating a creative culture by educating and entertaining whilst building cultural bridges.” Curator of Visual Arts Exhibitions and Educational Programs Sa’id Costa said, according to Gulf Times.