Jessie J readies to meet Istanbul audience in June
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

Famous pop star Jessie J readies to shine at Küçükciftlik Park, June 26 as a part of Pozitif Days to be held for the first time in Istanbul between June 25 and 28.The British song-writer and singer Jessie J, best known with her top single’s “Price Tag” and “Nobody’s Perfect” received 2010 BBC Sound award and in 2011 sold more than 500.000 copies in less than one week. Her first single “Do It Like a Dude” peaked at number one at U.K. charts the week it was released. The 23-year-old singer has a magnificent voice to top it up with her extraordinary style and great personality. She’s generally to be known as a hip hop artist but more than that Jessie J has the energy and uniqueness that combines R&B, pop and soul within her own style.