Great Masters exhibit offers master classes

Great Masters exhibit offers master classes

Great Masters exhibit offers master classes

The Great Masters exhibition can be visited at Istanbul’s Tophane-i Amire.

“The Great Masters” exhibition, which opened on June 1 at the Tophane-i Amire Culture and Art Center, and brings together the work of three great masters of the Italian High Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael, is offering creative workshops for children aged between five and 14, as well as adults. Children who join the classes can create their own work.

Speaking about the event, Pace Children’s Art Center founder Barış Karayazgan said: “After a short information on the Renaissance period and Italy, we change the children’s names. For example, Elif becomes Elifeollo, Mehmet becomes Mehmetello, like the Italian names. While discovering the works of great masters during a visit in the exhibition area, we give children information about the materials and techniques.”

He said children had three activity opportunities after visiting the exhibition. “They either make marble sculptures like Michelangelo, design castles and towers like Leonardo, or work on fresco techniques like Raphael.”

The classes are organized on Tuesdays, Thursdays and weekends during the period that the exhibition is on.