FOX faces sanctions over controversial series as watchdog imposes fines

The Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) has imposed an administrative fine and two program suspensions on FOX TV for airing the contentious series Kızıl Goncalar (Red Rosebuds).
The decision comes in response to over 31,000 complaints received, RTÜK said on Dec. 28, citing violations of national and spiritual values.
The watchdog's disciplinary action is based on a comprehensive monitoring report prepared for the series, which allegedly "violated the national and spiritual values of the society."
The council contends that the use of "adjectives unbecoming of Islam and Muslims for religious-looking characters" in the dialogues. The authority further contended that certain scenes in the series "humiliated segments of society with religious sensitivities," contravening the provision that TV contents "cannot be contrary to the national and spiritual values of the society, general morality and the principle of family protection."
The TV series produced by GOLD Film has been embroiled in controversy since its premiere on Dec. 18. It explores the intersection of the lives of a secular physician and a woman living in a cult. Initial debates on social media revolved around the portrayal of cult scenes, prompting religious workers' union Mil Diyanet-Sen to call for a ban. Various congregations also joined the chorus, advocating for the series to be taken off the air.
Prior to the decision, the Family, Labor and Social Services Ministry took action by canceling the filming permissions of the series at a state charity in Istanbul.
Meanwhile, RTÜK also issued fines to several private broadcasters, including Halk TV, SZC, KRT and Flash Haber, citing "illegal" reasons in their broadcasted programs.