'Düğün Dernek' may break record in cinema

‘Düğün Dernek’ film is on the way to becoming the most-watched Turkish film of all time. It reached 5.2 million viewers in the first seven weeks after release.
Director Selçuk Aydemir’s latest film, “Düğün Dernek” (The Wedding Feast), was seen by 5.2 million viewers in the first seven weeks after its release.The film is expected to be the most-watched Turkish film of all time, breaking the record of “Fetih 1453,” which was seen by 6.5 million people in 52 weeks.
According to information gathered from Box Office Turkey, Turkish cinema last year broke its highest record of all time. For the first time, more than 50 million people viewed Turkish films and 29 million tickets were sold.
Thirteen films, 10 of which are Turkish productions, drew more than one million viewers for the first time in 2013. A total of 326 films, 88 were Turkish, were released. Aydemir’s “Düğün Dernek” was released on Dec. 6, 2013, and has been viewed by 5,273,426 people since. The revenue from the film is 52.4 million Turkish Liras. The revenue from “Fetih 1453” was 55.7 million liras.