‘Disinformation’ at Versus Art Project

Yıldız is presenting the products of a decade-long process of work, with the exhibition titled “Disinformation.”
The exhibition spans two galleries on two floors, “Formation” and “Deformation,” which constitute the exhibition’s narrative skeleton. The “Formation” floor consists of the “Religious Culture-Moral Education” and “National Security” sections. The works, which include autobiographical traces, local cultural images, psychoanalytical associations and ones made with paints produced by the artist with his unique techniques, create an extraordinary world.
The artist’s works re-narrate the relation of craft, labor-body and nature with the language of art. Yıldız produces his works from synthetic waste, wooden shoes, white collars, pitch plates, the smell of daisies, eyes and teeth. His way of playing renders imaginable new positioning in the area of art and the political atmosphere of our day.
The exhibition will continue until March 16.