Consumers buy smartphones most during sales days

Consumers mostly bought smartphones during the sales days campaign last month, according to data from consumer electronics retailer MediaMarkt.
Average spending increased by 119 percent, while visits to MediaMarkt stores rose by 47 percent.
Some 27 percent of purchases are made via mobile apps and 60 percent on PCs. Sales of the retailer increased by 187 percent.
Apple’s iPhone 11 218 GB was the best-selling product during the sales days.
The third best-selling product was Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum, followed by Apple’s two other models, iPhone 11 64 GB and iPhone 13.
Smartphones were the hottest items, while computer equipment, vacuum cleaners, TV sets and white goods were other best-selling products.
Data from the retailer, which cover the period between Nov. 22-28, also showed that 49 percent of customers were aged between 12 and 35, while those aged between 36 and 49 accounted for 36 percent of shoppers.
Some 60 percent of shoppers visited Mediamarkt stores between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m., the retailer said.
Online shopping volume soared nearly 147 percent during the Legendary Friday sales last month.
The number of transactions of retailers also rose more than 27 percent from a year ago.
The average spending grew by 93 percent, from 337.5 Turkish Liras to 652 liras. Credit card spending increased by 7.5 percent, with some 73 percent of consumers choosing single payment, while 27 percent going for installments.