Canadian PM welcomes Turkish film festival in Vancouver

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Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has hailed the upcoming Vancouver Turkish Film Festival, which will take place between Nov. 25 and 27.“I am pleased to extend my warmest greetings to everyone attending the third annual Vancouver Turkish Film Festival (VTTF),” Trudeau wrote in his letter sent to Hakan Burcuoğlu, the founder and the director of the festival.
“Over the years, Canadian filmmakers have been recognized and admired for creating works of cultural value that explore the immigrant experience and introduce the customs, beliefs, and traditions of various ethnic groups to the wider community. The VTTF builds on that legacy by providing opportunities to discover works by Canadian filmmakers of Turkish heritage, together with the best of contemporary Turkish cinema,” he added.
Trudeau commended Burcuoğlu and the sponsors of the festival for promoting an appreciation of Turkish cinema in Canada.
“With so many talented contributors and its mission of bringing people and cultures together, the festival is sure to be a resounding success,” he said.
To be held at Vancouver’s renowned Vancity Theatre, the festival will feature the following films:
- The Bad Cat (Director: Mehmet Kurtuluş and Ayşe Ünal)
- Ember (Director: Zeki Demirkubuz)
- The Turkish Way (Director: Luis González)
- Cold of Kalandar (Director: Mustafa Kara)
- Album (Director: Mehmet Can Mertoğlu)
- My Mother’s Wound (Director: Ozan Açıktan)
- Blue Bicycle (Director: Ümit Köreken)
- Kedi (Director: Ceyda Torun)