Britain doesn't exclude future military option on Iran

Britain doesn't exclude future military option on Iran

BRUSSELS - Agence France-Presse
Britain doesnt exclude future military option on Iran

Britain's Foreign Secretary William Hague speaks at the conclusion of the London Cyberspace Conference in London November 2, 2011. AFP Photo

Britain does not exclude military action against Iran in the longterm failing progress on its controversial nuclear programme, British Foreign Secretary William Hague said Monday.

Asked whether military action was possible, Hague said: "We are not considering that at the moment. We are not calling or advocating military action. At the same time we say all options should remain in future." Hague, who spoke to reporters as he stepped into talks between European Union foreign ministers, said: "Of course wev will also look over the coming months to increase the peaceful legitimate pressure on Iran as part of our dual track approach of being available for negotiations if they're real negotiations but at the same time placing more pressure on Iran through sanctions." The 27 ministers will discuss the possibility of new sanctions on Iran failing progress in Tehran's cooperation with nuclear watchdog IAEA or in talks with world powers, diplomats told AFP.

"Strong new restricive measures" would be decided at a new meeting in a couple of weeks should Iran dig in its heels, diplomats said.