Antarctic ice may contain a new life

Antarctic ice may contain a new life

MOSCOW - Reuters
Antarctic ice may contain a new life

Russian scientists believe they have discovered new life forms under the Antartic ice. Scientists work on samples of water from a vast lake. REUTERS photo

Russian scientists believe they have discovered new life forms sealed off for millions of years in a subglacial lake deep under the Antarctic ice, the RIA news agency reported on March 7.

After more than a decade of stop-and-go drilling, Russia pierced through Antarctica’s frozen crust last year and took back samples of water from a vast lake that has lain untouched for at least 14 million year.

Scientists say the icy darkness of Lake Vostok, under some 12,139 feet of ice, may provide a glimpse of the planet before the Ice Age and clues to life on other planets.

“After excluding all known contaminants, bacterial DNA was found that does not match any known species in world databases,” Sergei Bulat of the St Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute told RIA.

“If it (the bacteria) had been found on Mars, then without a doubt we would have said there is life on Mars - but this is DNA from Earth,” he said. “We are calling this life form unidentified or unclassified.”

Scientists from the United States and Britain are close on Moscow’s heels to probe what life may exist in one of the most extreme environments on Earth.

This year, a U.S. expedition said they had seen living cells under a microscope in field samples taken from the shallower subglacial Lake Whillans, but more study is needed to determine what kinds of bacteria they are and how they live.

A British effort to reach a third body, Lake Ellsworth, was called off in December because of problems drilling.