Animal rights to be under legal guarantee

With the amendment package of about 100 articles, constitutional guarantees for animal rights will be introduced for the first time.
Animal rights became a hot topic of debate in the country after two people killed a dog by fatally hitting its head with a shovel at an animal rehabilitation center in the central Anatolian province of Konya.
After the death of the dog, many people shared their photos with animals on social media in order to raise awareness against cruelty towards animals.
Together with the discussions on animal rights, efforts began for the constitutional guarantee of animal rights. The statement “animal rights” were added to the title “health services and environmental protection” in the Constitution.
The phrase “The state protects natural life and animals and takes the necessary measures to prevent cruelty and mistreatment towards animals,” was also used in the regulation, which imposes an obligation on the state to protect animal rights as well as the environment.
While the problem of shelter for stray animals has also become one of the topics of discussion, the Talas Temporary Animal Shelter and Living Center, established with the efforts of the municipality and animal lovers in the central Anatolian province of Kayseri, came to the fore with its exemplary living space for animals.
“We take care of animals in the shelter with our animal lovers 365 days a year, not just one day,” Talas mayor Mustafa Yalçın stated.
Pointing out that the most important need of animals is to live in their natural environment, Yalçın noted that Talas shelter provides the most compatible environment for their natural areas.
He noted that puppies, elderly animals and injured animals, whose treatments are ongoing, stay in separate sections which comprise of five caves and 17 different living spaces.
“To date, 6,400 animals have passed through here. Some of these guests went to treatment. Those whose treatment was completed were returned to their natural environment. Some of them went to the animal shelter of our Metropolitan Municipality,” Yalçın explained.
Noting that his municipality made an effort to be with the animals in their last moments, Yalçın stated that they turned part of the shelter into an animal cemetery following requests.
Animal owners can bury and visit any animal with a death certificate in the shelter, he added.
The animals in the shelter, which is open to visitors to instill a love of animals in children, has also been met with intense interest from children, Yalçın stated.
“This project sets an example for the country by providing a loving environment for animals and by taking care of their health, and properly vaccinating and treating animals,” stated Abdullah İnci, a veterinary physician from Erciyes University.