Ancient paintings discovered in Aydın
AYDIN - Doğan News Agency

The rock paintings, which are believed to be 7,500 years old, are from the end of the Neolithic Age and the beginning of Chalcolithic Age in 5500 B.C.
Rock paintings dating back thousands of years ago have been found in the Aegean province of Aydın’s Çine district.Similar rock paintings have previously been found in the Beşparmak Mountains, Bafa Lake and its environs, all of which are located in an area divided between Muğla’s Milas district and Aydın’s Koçarlı and Söke districts.
The paintings, which are believed to be 7,500 years old, were discovered as part of work conducted by Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University Archaeology Department Professor Neşe Atik initiated in 2000.
Atik said work was still continuing in the area. “The fact that these paintings, which are called the Latmos Region Prehistoric Rock Paintings and seen only in this region, have been found in Çine, opening a window on life in Çine in the Stone Age.”
Atik said the rock paintings were the same age as ones that a colleague, Anneliese Peschlow, had found in the Beşparmak Mountains.
“They are from the end of the Neolithic Age and the beginning of Chalcolithic Age in 5500 B.C. The paintings were found in a rock shelter, but cleaning works showed that this area was not a living space in the Neolithic Age but was used only for the religious ceremonies of weddings. They were painted with red color and mostly in hand shape. This shows us that the paintings belong to the Latmos Rock Paintings group,” she said. “These paintings are important in terms of world cultural heritage. We have initiated works with the Aydın Provincial Cultural Directorate to preserve them.”