‘Anatolian lion’ receives promotion
AKSARAY – Anadolu Agency

The fame of Aksaray Malaklısı has been on the rise in recent years in Turkey and abroad, prompting the local municipality to initiate new work to promote the dog breed in Turkey and abroad.
A two-by-three-meter sculpture has been placed in the Otogar Crossing on the Aksaray-Konya highway, one of the most important spots in the city.
Also, Aksaray Municipality will open the Aksaray Malaklısı Protection and Care Center in March to help care for members of the breed, with 50 dogs set to be sheltered at the center initially.
Aksaray Mayor Haluk Şahin Yazgı said Aksaray Malaklısı dogs had very unique features.
“These dogs were not known much in the past. Our purpose is to promote them. This is why we have established the Malaklı farm. We also erected the sculpture to draw the attention of local and foreign tourists visiting the city,” Yazgı said.