1,600-year old basilica becomes more visible amid outbreak

The remains of a nearly 1,600-year-old basilica that was discovered in 2014 under Lake İznik in the northwestern province of Bursa has now become more visible as pollution declines thanks to the restrriction measures taken amind the coronavirus outbreak.
The early Byzantine era basilica, which has the traces of architecture from the early period of Christianity is nearly 20 meters away from the shore.
The remains are currently lying in water, which is about one-and-a-half to two meters deep.
As a result of COVID-19 measures, the basilica is now clearly visible as Lake has become cleaner and the air temperatures returned to seasonal average level.
The sections and remains inside the basilica were photographed from the air by a drone.
The skeleton of the basilica, some walls and beams of the complex can be clearly seen in the drone images and footage.
The basicila was named as one of the top 10 discoveries of 2014 by the Archaeological Institute of America.
The basilica had been discovered while photographing the city from the air to make an inventory of the historical and cultural artifacts.