Turkish lira hits highest value against US dollar in 6 months
ISTANBUL-Anadolu Agency

The Turkish lira has continued its rally against the U.S. dollar on Feb. 15, hitting the highest value in the last six months, thanks to the country's pledge to open a new era in its economy.
Traded for 6.9979, the U.S. dollar/Turkish lira exchange rate has seen its lowest level since Aug. 5, 2020, triggered by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's announcement of an ambitious slate of economic and legal reforms last year, Turkey's new economic management team's market-friendly moves and Central Bank's tight monetary policy stance prioritizing price stability.
Turkish lira's gaining ground against other currencies was accelerated by normalization steps taken by Turkey's banking watchdog, Central Bank's return to policy orthodoxy, and effective use of credibility and communication channels.
The U.S. dollar/lira rate peaked at 8.5832 last November.