‘Swan Lake’ ballet to fascinate audience in capital

The Ankara State Opera and Ballet (ADOB) will greet art lovers with the “Swan Lake” ballet, which was composed by Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in 1875 and staged for the first time at the Bolshoi Stage in 1877.
The four-curtain “Swan Lake,” one of the immortal works of classical ballet, will now meet with the audience in two curtains with its magnificent costumes and the decor that fascinate the audience.
The State Opera and Ballet (DOB) Deputy general manager and one of the choreographers of the work, Volkan Ersoy said that “Swan Lake” has been performed on the most important stages of the world since its first performance in 1877.
Stating that the work was staged for the first time in Turkey on Oct. 29, 1965, Ersoy said they were very excited to bring it to the stage once again after 13 years on Nov. 9.
“Tchaikovsky composed this four-certain ballet and realized it with Lev Ivanov. Now one of the biggest differences is that we developed a new choreographic style and shortened the work with the advancement of conditions and technology to two curtains. In the work we created with Armağan Davran in two curtains, our audience will meet a completely different ‘Swan Lake.’ We shortened the scenes a bit and made them more viewable without changing the narrative style,” Ersoy said.
He said that the emotions in the “Black Swan” film, which brought an Oscar to the actress Natalie Portman, was transferred to the stage, and added that Özge Onat would play two characters, named Odette and Odile.
“The feelings of a ballerina are clearly expressed in the film ‘Black Swan.’ This is the starting point of the film. We also ensured that the two people in the ‘Swan Lake’ ballet were reflected to the stage in the most aesthetic way. The film brought the ballet’s allure to the next level. In the film, the difficulties between an artist’s routine and stage life and the contradictions in the challenging world of ballet are explained. Our artists will also show the physical battle between Odette and Odile,” he said.
The audience will see a magical decor, sparkling and colorful costumes, said Ersoy, adding that DOB greeted the audience with a rich repertoire and the same quality with big art centers like London, Bolshoi and Paris.
Stating with a goal to meet more audience in the big halls, they will perform the “Turandot” opera on Nov. 23 in Ankara’s Congresium after “Aida,” Ersoy said that on April 29, World Dance Day, they will present “Swan Lake” to a crowded audience with a big production.
He said that with months of work “with a large family,” they created “Swan Lake.”
“I was a prince in ‘Swan Lake’ 13 years ago. I got chance to make the choreography of the works that I danced before. It provides an advantage when creating. My choreographer friend Davran also danced as a prince for years. If you ask me being a choreographer or dancer, I feel happier in creativity. Because I’m a little farther away from stress,” Ersoy said.
Onat, who will give life to Odette, who turns into a swan, said that they have been working for months and it is difficult to portray both good and bad characters in the same piece.
“We are very excited. We are inspired by those who watch this role in the world. Although the character in the ‘Swan Lake’ movie is different, we show it a bit. Our work is our life. We are ballet artists after we get out of here. Of course, we need to take care of ourselves physically and spiritually. I tried to get into the role without being away from real life. We are waiting for the audience in Ankara. We dance with pleasure; we believe they will also enjoy,” Onat said.
The orchestra of the work will be conducted alternately by Sunay Muratov and Bujor Hoinic.
The ballet is starring Onat, Sultan Menteşe, Polen Gezmiş, Serapsu Gürman, İlhan Durgut, Eren Keleş, Burak Serkan Cebeci, Umut Can Arzuman, Eren Keleş, Berkay Saraçoğlu, Kadir Okurer, Aralcan Kocabey and Etkin Yüzer.