Paper hits at Central Bank
ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

Govb Erdem Başçı’s interest rate policy is hurting firms, Yeni Şafak claims. AA Photo
The Turkish Central Bank’s “interest rate corridor” policy is triggering a hike in loan rates, which hits both industrialists and investors, according to Yeni Şafak, the Turkish daily known for a general attitude in line with the government policies.“Hike in the interest rate is murder,” said Yeni Şafak yesterday.
“Interest corridor, a tool introduced as “Turkish invention” by the Central Bank Gov. Erdem Başçı, has hit the local industrialists and investors,” Yeni Şafak said, which also quoted criticsm by Bülent Gedikli, the vice chairman and economy affairs president of the ruling Justice and Development Party.
The paper claimed last week that the Transport Minister Binali Yıldırım had granted unfair bonuses to İDO, the fast ferry firm.