Business connectivity is bigger than the internet

Business connectivity is bigger than the internet

It is 2018 and we are all enjoying the fruits of the internet. We are more connected to each other and everyone across the world than ever. Thanks to the internet, everybody knows about everything that’s happening in the world instantly. Of course, there are setbacks that come with speed, but in general I think no one would like to go back to an era when the internet was still not invented. It would mean letting go of very big treasures such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, YouTube, Spotify, Netflix, e-mails, and so on. 

Personal gains that we have from the internet are immense, but they are dwarfed by the benefits of corporations. We may not realize it in our daily lives but companies are the real entities that reap the benefits of connectivity. The way business is being done has changed so much in such a short time that it would be completely mind-blowing to an account that dealt with banks in the 1960’s to try to understand how fintech works these days.

Think about all the connections that you have peer-to-peer thanks to the internet. It is a lot, isn’t it? So the whole internet must be huge.

However B2B connections are growing faster than the internet. The private connection between businesses will reach 33 Zettabytes in 2021. It means private business connections will carry 10 times the amount of data the whole internet carries.

How is that even possible? Well, where there is a demand, there is a supply. Businesses are more hooked on to the internet than even the most internet-savvy teenager in our times. Global business continuity relies on data center structure and fast and reliable connections.

That’s why, as our digital world becomes more complex and decentralized, businesses need to simplify how they distribute and integrate their IT infrastructures. According to the Equinox’s Global Interconnectivity Index 2018, the digital trends of the business world are as follows:

Network Optimization: Digital business requires real-time interactions between people, things, locations, clouds and data. Businesses can solve latency issues by shortening the distance between users and services, localizing traffic in the hubs.

Hybrid Multicloud: Leveraging hybrid multicloud architectures and accessing vital business ecosystems with agility requires Interconnection between distributed IT infrastructures and the clouds and partners that drive global digital business. Businesses can solve complexity by directly connecting multiple public and private clouds and segmenting traffic in the hubs.

Distributed Security: Digital business increases vulnerability points, especially when data is distributed across many different counterparties. It reduces risk and solves compliance challenges by deploying and connecting security services, and expanding security ecosystem connectivity, in the hubs.

Distributed Data: Digital trade flows are creating global business and data processes involving an increasing mix of customers, partners and employees. To scale this exchange of data requires integrating analytics, data lakes and data controls in the hubs.

If any business would like to go global, it should look at these trends carefully, as the cost of complacency when it comes to IT structure is very hefty.

Technology, Economy, Internet,